As this web site develops, and new artists exhibit with us, some if their works will be accessable here. We currently have some images of previous exhibits, so this current selection is just a very small sample of the many artists we have exhibited over the years.
Beaton is an artist best known for her colourful and highly personal
figurative works. She graduated with first class honours at Glasgow
and won The National Portrait Competition in 1984 when she was just
20. She was then commissioned to paint Sir Robin Day for the National
Portrait Gallery. Read more about Rosemary Beaton.
graduating from Glasgow, Burr completed an MA in public Art and Design
at Dundee College of Art in 1987. She
has exhibited and travelled widely including to China and India.
Burr has works in various public collections and has executed numerous public commissions. She has also taught part-time at Glasgow School of Art. She lived in Shetland for eight years and lives on the West Coast of Scotland. See more Lesley Burr's art.
It can be maddening to sit outside with paper and watercolours in
a strong, cold wind. When clouds alternate with sun to transform the
whole aspect of a landscape every few moments, particularly when there
is intermittent rain.
But perversely it is often the weather and lighting that makes me want to paint a particular subject. Even fog has its own special quality of softly revealing shapes and colours without shadow or recession of headlands. See more of Claire Dalby's art.
Alison Harper left Glasgow School of Art with first class honours and
undertook her postgraduate year at Oslo Academy of Fine Art with the
aid of a Norwegian Government scholarship. In 1993 she was awarded the
Commonwealth Scholarship for two years study in India.
She has exhibited widely in Britain and abroad including the Graphic Museum of Tokyo, the India Today Gallery in New Dehli and the Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo. She has won several awards and has travelled extensively. She was a part-time lecturer at Glasgow School of Art for five years.
She has exhibited widely in Britain and abroad including the Graphic Museum of Tokyo, the India Today Gallery in New Dehli and the Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo. She has won several awards and has travelled extensively. She was a part-time lecturer at Glasgow School of Art for five years. Read more about Alison Harper's art.